
International Doctoral Program in Agriculture


    IDPA is a complete English program initiated to meet two goals: (1) strengthening the integration of colleges and departments, cultivating talents with cross-field agricultural expertise, and (2) improving international perspectives and English skills, and establishing a competitive advantage. Students in the IDPA program can select courses and dissertation advisors from all the departments and programs in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) at NCHU.

    The future career development of graduates of IDPA can be directed towards related fields (such as farm management, agricultural enterprise finance and financial management, agronomic cultivation industry, agriculture public agencies). Foreign graduates can return to their home countries and serve as teachers in agricultural colleges or researchers in agricultural research institutions. They can also hold positions in agricultural administrative agencies and global agricultural enterprises.

Curriculum Planning

    The curriculum in IDPA encompasses a wide range of agricultural topics, including agricultural production and processing; sustainable agriculture and environmental protection; plant medicine; agricultural economics, marketing, and management; smart agriculture, and other related disciplines. The all-English curriculum improves students’ communication skills and the professional training enables students to gain diverse knowledge across different research fields to prepare them for future careers.

Agricultural production and processing

Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection

Plant Medicine

Agricultural Economics , Marketing and Management

Smart Agriculture